“Encontro da arte”: place of protagonism and reinvention of yourself





Art, Occupacional Theraphy, Mental Health, Protagonism, Subjectivity


Introduction:The relationship between occupational therapy and art began even before the institutionalization of the profession in Brazil, mainly with the emergence of the Unified Health System and the Anti-Asylum Movement. The use of art in the therapeutic process influenced the creation of the largest art and mental health event in the Federal District, the “Informação suprimida”, which promotes social participation and protagonism among people who receive some form of treatment from mental health services.  Objectives: The “Informação suprimida” aims to stimulate and develop the artistic skills of these people, in addition to enabling the strengthening and integration of intersectoral networks. Method: This article presents the event created in 2013, the “Informação suprimida”, and describes how the online and in-person modalities are organized, in addition to providing information to the target audience regarding guidelines for registering their presentations/artistic manifestations. Results: Art plays its role in direct collaboration with the anti-asylum struggle and this combination awakens the multidimensionality of creativity. Discussion: The therapeutic function of using art has the power to transform everyday life, allowing user-artists to experience self-knowledge and reconstruction of their subjectivities. By moving the clinic to the field of collective relations, a care is constructed that captures presence in a sensitive and critical way. Conclusion: The interfaces of occupational therapy, the use of art and the strengthening of psychosocial care networks demonstrate that cultural activities enable the construction of protagonism in the construction of life stories.


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