About the Journal

Focus and Scope

TEORIA JURÍDICA CONTEMPORÂNEA is a journal of the Postgraduate Program in Law of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Its mission is to encourage the exchange of contemporary and interdisciplinary research in the area of Legal Theory between academics in Brazil and abroad. The journal publishes the texts received continuously, in an annual volume with one or more thematic dossier(s), in exclusively digital format. Its editorial line is oriented to Contemporary Legal Theory, and unfolds in the following themes: Society, Human Rights and Art; Decision Theories, Argumentation and Justice; Democracy, Institutions and Institutional Design. No particular theoretical approach is privileged. The journal consists of three sections: a General Section of scientific articles received in a continuous flow system; a Special Section with one or more Thematic Dossier(s) of scientific articles received in a public call system under the responsibility of Guest Editor(s); and an Extra Section dedicated to the publication of reviews, translations, interviews and jurisprudence comments.

Peer Review Process

Triage phase. This journal values the time and work of its editors and reviewers. Therefore, before starting the peer review process, manuscripts submitted to the General and Special Sections undergo a screening process performed by the editors themselves. Manuscripts may be rejected for lack of originality (due to the existence of analogous works already published or because they are a synthesis of existing publications); for containing plagiarism or self-plagiarism; or even when their chances of being accepted or accepted with reservations are considered very low.

Prevention of plagiarism and self-plagiarism. In order to enhance academic integrity, Teoria Jurídica Contemporânea uses CopySpider software to detect plagiarism and self-plagiarism.

Double-blind review. Once the triage phase is over, the manuscripts go through a process of double-blind revision, carried out by experienced researchers familiar with the specific theme of the submitted manuscript. The process is doubly anonymous because neither the author knows who the reviewer is, nor the reviewer knows who the author is -- their identities are not revealed. (Exceptionally, articles by invited authors may be published without undergoing the review process in the General and Special Sections).

Evaluation criteria. In the double-blind review process, the quality of the manuscript is evaluated according to the following criteria: clarity, precision, consistency and conciseness; quality and adequacy of the methodology adopted; solidity and originality of the argument(s) presented; scientific relevance to the area; quality and timeliness of references.

Selection of reviewers. The reviewers are recruited from the academic community of the country and abroad that is dedicated to the studies of contemporary legal theory. The criteria for the selection of reviewers follows strict internal standards, given its importance to the quality of the editorial work. In exceptional cases, when the submitted article is authored by a researcher who has not yet completed his doctorate, the evaluator may be a younger researcher who has specific competence for the evaluation of the text.

Evaluation time. The expected time for the conclusion of the evaluation is approximately 4 months. This period can be extended when there is divergence between reviewers. We understand that the interest in performing the best evaluation should prevail in face of other interests, such as strict compliance with stipulated deadlines.

Instructions to reviewers. The reviewer's opinion must be made with rigor, objectivity, impartiality and promptness. Differences in judgment should not be taken as sufficient reasons for issuing an unfavorable opinion. The reviewer must abstain from his or her role as appraiser due to potential conflict of interest. The conflict of interest must be presumed when the reviewer maintains regular scientific collaboration (in research activity, publication, orientation or tutoring) or when he has a family relationship with one of the researchers responsible for the proposal submitted to his evaluation. Any occurrence of misconduct must be notified to the editors of the journal. Forms of misconduct are considered: (a) the fabrication of data, procedures and results; (b) the falsification of data, procedures or results, through the modification or inaccurate or incomplete communication; and (c) the use of other people's ideas without giving them due credit.

Integrity Policy. This journal promotes a policy of ethical integrity applicable to the scientific activity in all its extension - from the conception and execution of research to the communication of results. The guidelines we follow have as reference the Diretrizes Básicas para a Integridade na Atividade Científica do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq); the Código de Boas Práticas Científicas da Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP); a Declaração Conjunta sobre Integridade em Pesquisa resultante do II Encontro Brasileiro de Integridade em Pesquisa, Ética na Ciência e em Publicações (II BRISPE); and the Cooperação entre Instituições de Pesquisa e Periódicos em Casos de Integridade em Pesquisa: Orientação do Comitê Internacional de Ética em Publicações elaborado pelo do Committee on Publication Ethics.

Publication Frequency

The journal publishes the texts received continuously, in an annual volume with one or more thematic dossier(s), in exclusively digital format.

Ethics and Good Research Practices

Based on Elsevier's recommendations and COPE's Principles on Transparency and Best Practices in Academic Publications, Teoria Jurídica Contemporânea presents its Ethics Policy and Declaration on Good Practices:


1) Editorial Committee

The composition of the Editorial Board of the Revista Teoria Jurídica Contemporânea can be viewed through the link About > Editorial Team.

The contacts with the Editorial Team will be preferably by the e-mail tjc.ppgd.ufrj@gmail.com. The other contact information is available through the link About > Contact.


2) Authors

No fees will be charged to authors for submission and publication of articles.

In case of plurality of authors, all must have contributed significantly to the research.

The complete references should be indicated in a separate section, after completion, following the technical rules of NBR 6023 (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards/ABNT).

In case the paper comes from a research financed through development agencies, the authors must indicate this fact.

The Revista Teoria Jurídica Contemporânea aims at the publication and dissemination of unpublished works, and the author must state, under the penalties of the law, any condition to the contrary, when submitting his study.

In case of previous publication, the author must explain the publication vehicle and the support used (virtual or printed), so that the Editors' team can deliberate about the convenience of an eventual republication.


3) Peer review process

This journal values the time and work of its editors and reviewers. Therefore, before starting the peer review process, manuscripts submitted to the General and Dossier Sections undergo a screening performed by the editors themselves. Manuscripts may be rejected for lack of originality (due to the existence of analogous works already published or because they are a synthesis of existing publications); for containing plagiarism or self-plagiarism; or even when their chances of being accepted or accepted with reservations are considered very low.

Once the screening phase is over, the manuscripts go through a double anonymous review process, carried out by experienced PhD researchers familiar with the specific theme of the submitted manuscript. The process is doubly anonymous because neither the author knows who the reviewer is, nor the reviewer knows who the author is -- their identities are not revealed.

All manuscripts evaluated must be treated in a strictly confidential manner.

All considerations and judgments during the peer review process should be objective.


4) Ethics of publication

Revista Teoria Jurídica Contemporânea reinforces its commitment to scientific values and ethics and expects irreproachable behavior from all those involved in the publication process.

Authors must ensure that their article is original and unpublished and presents objective and accurate discussion. All papers cited in the article submitted for publication must be duly referenced; plagiarism will not be tolerated and constitutes a serious breach of ethics. As stated in the guidelines to authors, the concomitant submission of the same article to several journals will not be accepted, as it constitutes unethical behavior. Before submitting the article to the Journal, the author responsible for the submission must make sure that all authors are aware of the final version of the manuscript and accept its submission to the journal.

The evaluators must treat all the articles they receive for evaluation as confidential and evaluated in an objective and constructive way. Ideas obtained through the evaluation process should not be communicated or used for personal advantage. Conflicts of interest of any nature must be promptly communicated to the editors. If the evaluator does not feel able to perform a certain evaluation or is not available to do so, he/she should inform the editorial team as soon as possible.

The editors will evaluate articles only for their merit and academic value and will take timely and reasonable measures in relation to complaints regarding articles submitted to or published in the journal. The editors will not use, in their own research, information that has not been published without the express consent of the authors involved.


5) Copyright and access

This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge available to the public free of charge provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.


6) Archiving

Teoria Jurídica Contemporânea uses the Bareos system to make a daily internal backup of the journal's documents.


7) COPE Guidelines

English https://publicationethics.org/resources/flowcharts-new/translations

Spanish  https://publicationethics.org/resources/flowcharts/spanish-all-flowcharts


  • Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro