The ambivalent power of language in ancient Greek democracy




Democracy, Language, Rhetoric, Sophistic


In this essay I share a reading presented at the V Seminary Zétesis, held in 2018. Departing from an interpretation of a testimony of Cicero, I present an articulation between the emergence of an old rhetorical tradition at the core of a rising democracy in Sicily, and the practices and knowledge of sophist philosophers who taught in Classical Greece. In the text, I point out that the importance of language management in the political sphere not only marked the teaching of some of the old sophists but also a certain symptom of judicialization of political relations in the context of democracy that prevailed at this time.

Author Biography

Lucio Lauro Barrozo Massafferri Salles, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Professor of Philosophy at CEPAC (RJ) - RJ; Psychoanalyst. PhD and Master in Philosophy, UFRJ, Postgraduate in Psychoanalysis by CEPCOP (USU).


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