Soul and Movement in Aristotle




Aristotle, soul, body, movement, act, potency


In this paper, I seek to understand as the result of a study about movement, from the point of view of Aristotle, the nexus between body and soul, as it is established in the treatise ‘On the Soul’ (De anima). I’ve study the reasons that leads Aristotle to support that soul does not move, exactly because this is the principle of movement. At denying that the soul is itself a living being, the stagirita puts himself in a critical posture about the Plato’s Phaedo dialogue, openning a way to phylosofic consideration about the living body and it’s functionality. In the function (érgon) or work to make, in your be able of this work, resides the specificity of the living being that may not to pass to the act. The difference between a living and an inanimate body is accentuated, making it unavoidable to think the specificity of the living being from its manifestations. A thought about life that discovers one's own thinking as life.

Author Biography

Francisco Moraes, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro

Doutorou-se em filosofia pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro com a tese: O problema do Noûs em Aristóteles. É professor adjunto de filosofia da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro e professor permanente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em filosofia (PPGF) da UFRJ. Traduziu o livro A vontade de poder de Friedrich Nietzsche, sendo também autor de diversos artigos publicados em revistas de filosofia e de capítulos de livros, a maior parte deles em filosofia antiga e contemporânea. É líder do grupo de pesquisa Noûs: Estudos de hermenêutica filosófica e de história da filosofia, cadastrado junto ao CNPQ.


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