Alexandre dʼAphrodise et la κίνησις ἀναίτιος
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Aristotle, Stoics, anti-déterminism, causality, uncaused movement.Abstract
Alexander of Aphrodisias has defended an aristotelian conception of responsability, particularly in his treatise On Fate, which presents "Aristotle's doctrine about fate and what depends on us" (De fato, 1), and in some texts of Mantissa or Quaestiones. This defence led him to reiterate traditional anti-determinist arguments (for example the argument by legal, moral and social consequences) as well as to propose new ones.
Among his rather creative and bold arguments, we can include one that admits the existence of a movement without cause, kinesis anaitios. This point is developed in Mantissa XXII, through a passage whose authenticity is highly discussed. I will attempt to show that, even if this text cannot be attributed to Alexander with certainty, it echoes some genuine alexandrian arguments, developed in the treatise On Fate.
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