Vino e ispirazione poetica nella Grecia antica




Dionysos, wine, musical performance, wisdom


The article analyzes the testimonies in which the wine, as Dionysos drink, is considered a source of poetic inspiration: starting from Archilochus, passing through lyrical poets such as Alcaeus, Anacreon and Pindarus, up to comedy and epigrammatic poetry, shows the function of God to inspire musical performance. In this function the specificity of Dionysus is identified in relation to the Muses, traditional inspirers of Aedic poetry. Analogous is however for the song aroused by Dionysos, as for the épea inspired by the Muses, the ability to provide authentic sophía, the true wisdom, consisting of a global vision of reality, reached in deep communion with the god of ecstasy.


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Vino. Foto di Maria da Graça Gomes de Pina

