A interpretação evolutiva de Werner Jaeger da Metafísica de Aristóteles: uma análise crítica
Aristotle, Metaphysics, Ontology, Werner Jaeger, Developmental exegesisAbstract
At the beginning of the 20th century Aristotelian studies faced a major turn; with the writings of Werner Jaeger a whole new possibility of interpretation came to light: it is the now famous Developmental exegesis of the Stagirite's thought and writings. According to this interpretation, the first works of Aristotle were strongly influenced by his master; only gradually would Aristotle have managed to distance himself from Platonism and to achieve a mature and original thought. Concerning the Metaphysics, Jaeger argues that it would have been written during a long period of time, being, thus, a witness to the philosophical evolution of Aristotle. Thereby Jaeger divided the work into two strata: on the one hand, the “primitive Metaphysics” -- Urmetaphysik -- a theological research still influenced by Plato, and, on the other hand, the “late Metaphysics” -- Spätmetaphysik -- an ontological science, the result from the philosopher's maturation and definitive departure from Plato and the Academy. We will examine here Jaeger's Developmental thesis, paying particular attention to his interpretation of the Metaphysics.References
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