The mythical ontology in the Form of Good




Form of Good, Dialectic, Rational Soul, Ontology, Epistemology, Myth


In this paper I Intend to analyze how the presumed socratic incapacity (adynamía) to define what is Good reveals the main role of visibility as pre-condition to comprehend the Form of Good, but a necessary step to this. According to this assumption, the phenomenal realm isn’t an obstacle to achieve the Forms. My purpose here is to emphasize that the so-called adynamía turns into a specific kind of dynamís tês aisthéseos, power of sensation, by which the dialectician can apprehend the realm of in telligibility. In the first section, I’ll expose that the images of Sun, Divided Line and the Cave establish a semantic of visibility, detailed from the closer analogy between the ontological field of being, intermediate and not-being and the epistemological scope of knowledge, opinion and ignorance. In the second section I’ll demonstrate the relevance of dialectic science in order to seize the ontological degrees of reality and its epistemological paths of knowledge.

Author Biography

Rodolfo José Rocha Rachid, Universidade de São Paulo

Possui graduação em Filosofia pela Faculdade de Filosofia Letras e Ciências Humanas da USP (1993), mestrado em Filosofia pela Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas (2001) e doutorado em Letras Clássicas pela Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da USP (2008). Tem experiência na área de Filosofia, com ênfase em História da Filosofia Antiga e Filosofia do Direito.


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