Andromache speculations in Euripides' Trojan Women




tragedy, Euripides, Trojan women, Andromache, knowledge.


The main purpose of this paper is to explore the dramatic unity of Andromache’s episode in Euripides’ Trojan women, especially the subtle connections between Andromache’s first and second rhēseis. It is shown that the episode is sustained not only by socio-political and existential issues, but also reveals a careful albeit incipient discussion around the faculties of the soul that will be known in the Aristotelian psychology under the names of aisthēsis, phantasia and nous.

Author Biography

Christian Werner, University of São Paulo Department of Classics Greek Language and Literature

Departamento de Letras Clássicas e Vernáculas

Área de Letras Clássicas, Grego


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