Sappho and the symptomatology of love




Sappho, Greek Lyric Poetry, Love, Genre, Translation


This essay on Sappho’s fragment 31 seeks to highlight its main literary aspects (based on a new translation to Portuguese) and deal with three issues it brings about: authorship, literary genre, and the way the pathos of love is presented.   

Author Biography

André Malta, University of São Paulo

Holds a master's (1998) and a doctorate (2003) in Classical Letters from the University of São Paulo. Postdoctoral researcher at Brown University (USA, 2011-2012). Full Professor in 2013. Professor of Greek language and literature at FFLCH-USP since 2001.Author of "The Regast of the Corpse: the Last Song of the Iliad" (Humanitas / 2000) and the Homeric Tetralogy composed of: 1. "The Wild Perdition: Error and Ruin in the Iliad "(Odysseus / 2006), 2." Multiple Homer: Essays on the Greek Epic "(Edusp / 2012), 3." The Diffuse Muse: Visions of Orality in Homeric Poems "(Annablume / 2015) and 4. "Nobody's Cunning: Being and Not Being in the Odyssey" (Impressões de Minas / 2018). He translated, from Plato, "Ion and Hippias Minor" (L & PM / 2007) and "Êutifron, Apologia de Sócrates e Críton" (L & PM / 2008), and Aesop's "Fables" (Editora 34/2017)


K. J. DOVER, A Homossexualidade na Grécia Antiga. Trad. Luís Krausz. São Paulo: Nova Alexandria, 1994.

LONGINO, Do Sublime. Trad. Filomena Hirata. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1996.

J. A. OLIVA NETO, O Livro de Catulo. São Paulo: Edusp, 1996

D. L. PAGE, Poetae Melici Graeci. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1962.

PLATÃO, Fedro. Trad. José Cavalcante de Souza. São Paulo: Editora 34, 2016.

G. RAGUSA, Safo de Lesbos: Hino a Afrodite e Outros Poemas. São Paulo: Hedra, 2011.

