Epicurus’ Hedonic Algorithm
https://doi.org/10.47661/afcl.v18i35.60535Mots-clés :
Epicurus, Algorithm, Desires, Needs, EthicsRésumé
This paper examines Epicurus’ classification of desires found in his Letter to Menoeceus and Principal Doctrines. In this classification, desires are first sorted out into either natural or groundless. The natural are then sorted into either necessary or merely natural. Finally, those that are necessary are further broke down into necessary either for happiness, for comfort or for life itself. Recognizing the algorithmic quality of this classification, it is then shown how this algorithm relates to Epicurus’ project, namely his attempt to demonstrate that what is good is easy to get. Since this is usually taken as an argument vouching for a life of poverty, what follows next is Epicurus’ own rebuttal to this objection. Upon clarifying his goal, it is finally shown how this hedonic calculus promotes happiness, and how closely tied it is to Epicurus’ understanding of philosophy.
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