Chinese voices in portuguese: call needs for the oral skills learning




Portuguese as Foreign Language, Chinese learners, pronunciation, oral skills, CALL materials


This study aims at identifying which CALL (Computer-assisted Language Learning) materials should be made available to the Chinese learners of Portuguese as a Foreign Language (PFL) for them to improve their oral skills in a more autonomous way. Adopting an approach of needs analysis and clients’ views inquiry, it is based on an online questionnaire completed by 418 Chinese volunteer participants who were learners of PFL. The participants’ perceptions about (a) their own difficulties in pronunciation and oral understanding and (b) the CALL materials needed to address these oral skills were analysed in three ways: as a whole; according to the participants’ proficiency level in PFL; according to their geographical region. The results allowed to reflect on the relevance of using these inquiries and to propose a prioritisation list for the creation of new CALL materials, list that gives special importance to the tasks perceived as the most difficult by the participants (distinction of voicing, liquids and vowel height, understanding of text and word) and to the CALL types of materials considered the most needed (word recognition system, recorded rhymes, poems, tongue twisters, songs or texts with written transcription).



Adelina Castelo, Centre of Linguistics of the University of Lisbon

Fonologia, Linguística Educacional, Construção de Materiais Didáticos, Aquisição de L2


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