DIADORIM VOLUME 26-3 – Language and Literature DOSSIERS (THEMATIC)


We inform you that it is possible to submit, UNTIL August 20, 2024, scientific articles for the peer/double-blind evaluation process of our journal for publication in number 3 of volume 26 of Diadorim: journal of linguistic and literary studies, from Vernacular Letters Postgraduate Program (Masters and Doctorate Courses) at the Faculty of Letters of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (http://www.posvernaculas.letras.ufrj.br/pt//). This number will contain two dossiers: one on language and one on literature. Both are thematic. The organization and editing of the dossiers in this issue are the responsibility of experienced researchers in the area of Literature and Linguistics.

The language and literature dossiers of the third SPECIAL issue of volume 26 of Diadorim: revista de estudos linguísticos e literários are accepting submissions, in ENGLISH, for the issue with two dossiers, one dedicated to the relationship between language description and linguistic(s), and another focused on the teaching the Portuguese language and literature in Portuguese. This number is linked to the Internationalization Project of the Postgraduate Program in Vernacular Letters, which has support from CAPES PrInt: Voices and writings in the different spaces of the Portuguese language.

Language Dossier – Research data on Portuguese and/or other languages ​​and Linguistics

In the language dossier, the intention is to bring together reflections on theoretical and methodological aspects of the analysis, description and representation of phenomena in the grammar of the Portuguese language, as well as other languages, on aspects of variation and pluricentricity in the grammatical representation of languages, on linguistic approaches and on management of data for linguistic approaches, especially in the era of digital humanities.

Literature Dossier – Teaching the Portuguese language and Portuguese-language Literatures

In the literature dossier, the aim is to reflect on theoretical and methodological aspects related to the teaching of the Portuguese language (as a native or foreign language) and epistemological questions about the teaching of literatures in the Portuguese language or related literary practices (the place of children's and youth literature, the teaching of the Luso-Brazilian canon, the place of African literatures in the Portuguese language, Afro-Brazilian literature and indigenous literature in pedagogical practices).


Editores/Editors – Dossiê de Língua / Language Dossier:

Konrad Szczesniak (Universidade da Silesia, Universidade Palacký)

Pâmela Fagundes Travassos (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)

Marcia dos Santos Machado Vieira (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)


Editores/Editors – Dossiê de Literatura / Literature Dossier:

Nilzimar Hauskrecht Vieira (The University of North Caroline and Chapel Hill)

Danielle Kely Gomes (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)

**Template for the final version of the articles (which, in the submission version, should not have the author identified): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bk_RRV5bENY-Tt6mfJ5O4jJqJnu4kH6_?usp=sharing

***For further information: https://revistas.ufrj.br/index.php/diadorim/about/submissions