Free-themed articles for volume 25 - LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE DOSSIERS - Diadorim: revista de estudos linguísticos e literários - 2023


The Editorial Committee of the journal Diadorim: journal of linguistic and literary studies, of the Graduate Program in Vernacular Letters of the Faculty of Letters of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, invites the community to submit scientific articles, with free themes, for the peer review  process scheduled in 2023 for the issues of volume 25. We invite the community to reflect on an academic-scientific front in the areas of language or literature, to express their perspective of work to deal with thematic(s), problem(s), demand(s) and/or challenge(s) of one of these territories in Letters/Arts and to contribute to society, especially academic society, adding knowledge about the delimited theme.

The publication of the first issue is expected to occur at the end of the second quarter of 2023. The articles, if approved, may appear in issue 1 or later issues of volume 25, for the year 2023. The texts may be essentially theoretical, theoretical-methodological, case studies or critical analyzes of application practices. Reviews, interviews, essays, for example, are also welcome.

Each issue of volume 25 will contain two dossiers: one on language and the other on literature.

Organizers: Marcia dos Santos Machado Vieira, Eliete Figueira Batista da Silveira, Danielle Kelly Gomes

Submission of open/free-themed articles for volume 25 is continuous flow.

Texts written in PORTUGUESE, ENGLISH, SPANISH, FRENCH, ITALIAN are accepted in the first two issues.

Only texts in ENGLISH are accepted in the SPECIAL ISSUE, scheduled for 2023.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check submission compliance against all items listed at