Threading Fiama: the fascination for hermeticism
Fiama Hasse Pais Brandão, António Ramos Rosa, Árvore, hermetism, contemporary poetry.Abstract
The strategies of reading a poem, as defined in the 1980s, by the Portuguese critic Eduardo do Prado Coelho, which includes a project of aprocching the text “ closely”, as Jorge Fernandes da Silveira wants it to be, are the theoretical starting points for finding the way of reading the poetry of Fiama Hasse Pais Brandão and her fascination with hermeticism. In a second stage, this essay would like to propose, together with António Ramos Rosa, that the option for hermeticism is the central mark of contemporary poetry, which allows in consequence to recover that missing link between the poetry of Orpheu and that of the poets of the group Poesia 61.
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