Gender and emotion in exile: Evelyn Scott's brazilian experience


  • Maria das Graças Salgado Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro



Evelyn Scott, Cyril Kay-Scott, discourse, gender, emotion, exile.


In late 1913, the American writer Evelyn Scott eloped with Cyril Kay-Scott, a well-known physician who was, then, married, father of four, and more than twice her senior. Without passports, taking with them very little money, the couple fled first from New Orleans to New York, then to London, finally to Brazil, where they eventually faced poverty, starvation, and almost complete isolation in the backlands of Bahia. Using concepts derived from Critical Discourse Analysis, Anthropology of Emotions, Gender Studies, and Exile Studies, this work aims to examine issues of gender and emotion in Evelyn Scott’s autobiographical account of her Brazilian self-imposed exile which extended from 1914 to 1919. The analysis is based on her autobiography Escapade (1923) and on part of Cyril Kay-Scott’s Life is too short (1943). Results indicate that, although the couple suffered a great deal in exile, the experience proved to be particularly painful for Evelyn Scott, who did not speak a word of Portuguese. Besides, she was pregnant and had to go through a difficult childbirth in the outskirts of the city of Natal. The entire context contributed to make gender and emotion crucial aspects for Evelyn Scott’s experience both as a woman and as a writer.

Author Biography

Maria das Graças Salgado, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro

Professora Associada de Inglês do Departamento de Letras e Comunicação da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ). Atua como tradutora do inglês para o português. Desenvolve pesquisas no campo da análise crítica do discurso e tem publicado artigos sobre representações sociais de gênero, memória e emoção. Atualmente desenvolve projetos de pesquisa que exploram a relação entre gênero, memória e emoção em narrativas autobiográficas em inglês e português. É membro da Evelyn Scott Society, entidade vinculada à American Literature Society (ALA). É líder do grupo de pesquisa GEDIR: Gênero, Discurso e Imagem (CNPq/UFRRJ).


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