Eurasian dynamics and paradoxes of their hybridity in Southern China
Sociolinguistic identity, Macanese history, Yin and yang paradoxes.Abstract
Herein, we propose to discuss linguistic identity of Macao, considering some data collected from the Macao Historical Archives. The purpose of this article is to retake this discussion already rehearsed in other moments of our studies (LIMA-HERNANDES 2010, 2015, 2016; TEIXEIRA-E-SILVA e LIMA-HERNANDES 2010, 2014, 2015; LIMA-HERNANDES e TEIXEIRA-E-SILVA 2012, 2017; LIMA-HERNANDES, CARVALHINHOS & TEIXEIRA-E-SILVA 2014; TEIXEIRA-E-SILVA, LIMA-HERNANDES, ALMEIDA 2012; among others). This study is based on a more extended dimension into the concept of Macanese identity which we obtained through access to new documents, together with the assumption that Macanese communities aligned over time until 1999, building a hybrid identity with their language and actions. However, since then, the direction of this movement has been gradually changing to meet the new projects of life in Macau. The goal herein is to demonstrate that, despite the perceived fluctuation of identity in the conversations and reports, there is a change in the conception of what Macao and its community are. We have argued that the Yin and Yang paradoxes, used by Givón (2005) to explain the movements of language change, contextually reveal a powerful aid to the understanding of movements within hybrid communities.References
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