Criminal Governance in Times of Post-Chávez Revolution and Questioned Legitimacy: A Look at the Different Territorial Orders and Armed Actors in Caracas




criminal governance, collaborative governance, armed territorial orders, armed despotism


This paper compares the configuration of two armed territorial orders and the forms of local governance in neo-patrimonial authoritarian contexts in Caracas that suffer from what has been called a “complex humanitarian crisis”. We dialogue with the concepts of collaborative governance and criminal governance to understand how social control functions locally in an authoritarian context where a political, economic, and humanitarian crisis has restricted the resources and scope of government. The Venezuelan case reveals with special interest the processes of mutation in the relations between armed actors and a fragmented State for social control functions in their territories in a context of contested legitimacy.


Verónica Zubillaga, Universidad Simón Bolívar

Professora da Universidad Simón Bolívar (USB, Caracas, Venezuela). Tem doutorado em sociologia pela Universidad Católica de Lovaina (UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Bélgica). É uma das fundadores da Red de Activismo e Investigación por la Convivencia (Reacin), em Caracas.

Rebecca Hanson, University of Florida

Professora de Crime, Law & Governance na University of Florida (UF, EUA) e do Center for Latin American Studies (Clas). É doutorada em sociologia pela University of Georgia (Athens, EUA).

Francisco Javier Sánchez, University of Florida

Mestrando em Latin American Studies na University of Florida (UF, EUA). É formado em psicologia com especialização em psicologia clínica comunitária pela Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (Ucab, Caracas, Venezuela) e politólogo pela Universidad Católica del Táchira (Ucat, Venezuela). É pesquisador associado da Reacin.


