Between Punishment and Socio-Educational Intervention: Daily Experiences in a Juvenile Penal Institution in the City of Buenos Aires from a Socio-Anthropological and Gender Perspective




punishment, socio-educational intervention, youth, masculinity, experiences


The paper analyzes the meanings of interventions that are intended between socio-educational and/or punitive practices in an institution of deprivation of liberty for young boys between 18 and 21 years old called Centro Socioeducativo de Régimen Cerrado (CSRC) Cortázar. From a socio-anthropological and gender perspective, it reflects on the meanings of the interventions carried out in this institution, on punishment and socio-educational practices. From the analysis of the participant observations, semi-structured interviews and documentary analysis, the voices of the actors are reframed.

Author Biography

Julieta Nebra, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Doutoranda em antropologia na Universidade de Buenos Aires (UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina) e doutora pelo Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (Conicet, Buenos Aires, Argentina). É mestre em gênero, sociedade e políticas pela Faculdade Latino-Americana de Ciências Sociais (Flacso, Buenos Aires, Argentina) e licenciada em assistência social pela UBA. Trabalha no Instituto de Ciências Antropológicas da UBA, é professora em diferentes universidades e ativista feminista.

