
  • Danielle Franco Universidade Federal do rio Grande do Sul
  • Maria João Ramos Pereira Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul



Bird assembly, functional diversity, taxonomic diversity, protected areas


The Atlantic Forest is one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots harbouring at least 900 species of birds. Covering less than 7% of its original distribution, conservation strategies for this biome depend on information about diversity patterns and the mechanisms behind them. Here we evaluated the composition, richness, and taxonomic and functional diversity of the bird assemblage in two forest physiognomies, corresponding to two elevation ranges, at the southernmost federal protected area within the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, the Aparados da Serra National Park. Birds were sampled with mist nets in two environments: Araucaria forest, at elevation ranging above 900 m a.s.l., and dense ombrophilous forest, at elevations between 0 and 200 m a.s.l.. We found no differences in species richness between the two environments but species composition was dissimilar, as revealed by ANOSIM. Also, dense ombrophilous forest was functionally richer, while Araucaria forest presented higher functional divergence. No dominance pattern was found in dense ombrophilous forest, while in Araucaria forest a few species dominated the assemblage. The evidence that the bird assemblages of the two forests are distinct both in terms of species composition and functionality indicates that the conservation and management of the bird communities at the two environments is fundamental for the maintenance of the Southern Atlantic Forest’s bird species pool.


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