florivory, illegitimate visit, nectar robbers, synanthropic behaviorResumo
Handroanthus impetiginosus (Bignoniaceae) is commonly used in urban afforestation in the Brazilian semiarid, and it attracts native urban fauna during the dry season, when the plants are flowering. We conducted focal observations on nine flowering H. impetiginosus in an urban area at Brazilian semiarid to record the bird species that used flowers as a food resource and their behavior. We recorded four species of visiting birds at the H. impetiginosus flowers: Eupetomena macroura, Chlorostilbon lucidus, Icterus pyrrhopterus and Tangara sayaca. Of these, E. macroura and C. lucidus were observed on illegitimate visits, not contributing to the pollination, and E. macroura was the most aggressive species. Icterus pyrrhopterus and T. sayaca feeding on parts of the flowers or flower buds, generally promoting the flower abscission to access the nectar. The presence of H. impetiginosus can support generalist nectarivorous bird species, as E. macroura, C. lucidus and I. pyrrhopterus, and bees, as Xylocopa spp. in urban areas, which may contribute to the pollination of other native plant species in reforestation projects in this semiarid region.
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