genetic conservation, genetic markers, hybrid occurrence, crossbreeding, Neotropical ichthyofaunaResumo
This study reports a case of occurrence of hybrid fish in the Amazon River basin, Brazil and attentive on to possible risks promoted with from crossbreeding between two species on local biodiversity. The specimen was collected in February/2016, and was evaluated showing dubious characteristics indicating the possibility of the occurrence of hybridization. Thus, fin specimen fragments were sampled and the genetic analyzes were performed. Our results indicated that the studied sample had a heterozygous electrophoretic profile revealing itself as a hybrid between Piaractus brachypomus and Colossoma macropomum being the second species the maternal parent.Referências
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Arquivos adicionais
- Cover letter (English)
- Figure 2. Images of the individual and analyzed species: A) "Tambatinga" hybrid (C. macropomum X P. Brachypomuns); B) Colossoma macropomum; And C) Piaractus brachypomuns. Note: Images B and C obtained from QUEIROZ ET AL, 2013. (English)
- Figure 1. Map indicating the occurrence location of the fish sample collected in the natural environment in the Apiacás River. Grey region highlights the Tapajos River basin in the central part of South America. (English)
- Fig. 3 (English)