
  • Matheus Arthur Rocha Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
  • Sávio Arcanjo Moraes Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
  • Carlos Eduardo Alencar Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte
  • Fúlvio Aurélio Freire Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte



Coral reefs, Decapoda, Geographic distribution, Mithracidae.


The Northeast region of Brazil has gaps in the distribution of several species of crustaceans. In the last decade, the increase in the sampling effort and the elaboration of species lists have minimized this problem. In some cases, studies suggest that these “gaps” in the distribution of some organisms may be a natural part of a discontinuity in their geographical limits. During the lobster fishing expeditions on coral reefs in the north coast of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), for the first time, the spider crab Mithrax tortugae was captured in RN. After capture, some specimens were sent to the UFRN aquatic fauna laboratory for identification and biometrics. After confirmation of identification, they were deposited in the UFRN invertebrate collection. Thus, the present work aims to update the distribution area of the species, and to fill an existing gap for the Northeast region, bringing the first record of Mithrax tortugae on the coast of Rio Grande do Norte.

Biografia do Autor

Matheus Arthur Rocha, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Departamento de Botânica e Zoologia.

Sávio Arcanjo Moraes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Departamento de Botânica e Zoologia.

Carlos Eduardo Alencar, Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte

Departamento de Botânica e Zoologia.

Fúlvio Aurélio Freire, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Departamento de Botânica e Zoologia.


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