


Atlantic Forest, Conservation Unit, ethnozoology, survey


Medium- and large-sized wild mammals (MLSWM) are still little known in Conservation Units (UCs), and are among the most threatened mammals. To know this group, a survey was carried out at the Reserva Biológica Municipal Moreno Fortes (REBIO-MF) in Dois Irmãos das Missões in Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil. Transects were sampled in the area to search for records, and interviews with squatter residents in the area and surroundings were made. This work originated a list with 26 species distributed in 15 families. These numbers represent 60% of the species of MLSWM the state and 70% of those found in the region. Of these, 54% at the state level, 19% nationally and 23% globally are listed with some degree of extinction threat. In the transects were 14 species. The Crab-eating Fox was the most registered and common species, followed by the South American Brow Brocket and Crab-eating Raccoon, considered common, the Azara’s Agouti, uncommon, and the Black-horned Tufted Capuchin, considered rare like the other species. The interviewees reported 24 species, 12 of which were not found in the transects. The most cited were, Coypu, Neotropical Otter, Southern Tamandua, Lesser Grison and South American Coati. Older residents reported the existence in the past of Spotted Paca and Brown Howler Monkey. I also found domestic- and comensal-exotic species that can pose risks to wildlife. Compared to other state UCs, the community described here is 80% similar with the Floresta Naciona de São Francisco de Paula, and 78% to the Parque Estadual do Turvo. Both have similar forest formation and habitats, which may explain this similarity. Such information points REBIO-MF as an important place for the conservation of MLSWM in the RS.

Biografia do Autor

Fábio André Facco Jacomassa, Biólogo, Doutor em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia), Rua Tamoio, 132, Frederico Westphalen, RS, Brasil. CEP: 98400-000.



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