Diversity, Functional groups, Life forms, Light tolerance, Sexual and asexual reproductionResumo
The continuous and intense process of habitat loss and fragmentation has reduced the Atlantic Forest to less than 12% of its original area, with 80% of the remaining fragments smaller than 50 ha and only 9% protected within conservation units. One of the largest Brazilian Atlantic Forest remnants is protected inside the Una Biological Reserve – REBIO Una and Una Wildlife Refuge – REVIS UNA (designated here as “Una Region”). Una Region has fundamental importance to many biological groups due to their endemic species, most of them threatened, but with regard to bryophytes in Una Region there are still knowledge gaps. We carried out a bryofloristic survey in Una Region and analyzed floristic, ecological and reproductive aspects of the bryoflora. Bark, leaf and decaying wood samples were collected within 15 10 x 10 m plots resulting in the identification of 140 species (95 liverworts and 45 mosses), including five new records for Bahia State and 11 for the Northeastern region of Brazil, one endangered (EN) species, and one species recently described. Richness estimators revealed high proportions of undetected species, varying according to substrate type. The bryoflora was dominated by life forms of intermediate desiccation tolerance and shade specialists. Asexual or sexual reproductive structures were observed in nearly 60% of the species. Our results indicate that Una Region plays a fundamental role in the maintenance of the taxonomic, functional and genetic diversity of bryophytes and in the conservation of this group not only in Bahia, but also in the Atlantic Forest.
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