Histories and historiographies of Dance:

Problematizing teaching and curriculum proposal at the university





History, Dance, Formation, Teaching


This article arises from the shares obtained at the II International Seminar on History(ies) of Dance(s), held in December 2020, in remote format. The seminar addressed the theme “What are the specificities of thinking and making historiographies in dance in places that went through the colonial process as colonies?” The reflections here focus more on questions than on answers, especially those that may seem hermetic and absolute truths. The problems that I will point out call into question the training curricula and seek to problematize the teaching of dance history, especially in a Dance Degree course at a Brazilian federal university. This essay carries intersections that are the result of relationships and dialogues established throughout my academic trajectory, therefore, it is part of the praxis that has been building in the wanderings of my dancing path, observing these trajectories as a “process of articulation between subalterns” (SPIVAK, 2010).

Author Biography

Isabela Buarque, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

PhD from the Postgraduate Program in Social Memory - UNIRIO (2014). She has a Master's degree in Comparative History from the Institute of Philosophy and Social Sciences/UFRJ (2009) and a Bachelor's degree in Dance from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2006). Professor of the Graduate Program in Dance - PPGDan at UFRJ (master's degree). Adjunct Professor at the Department of Body Art - EEFD - UFRJ. Member of the Structuring Teaching Nucleus - NDE of the Dance Degree course at UFRJ. She was coordinator of the Dance Degree course at UFRJ between 2017 and 2021. She has experience in the area of Arts, with an emphasis on Dance, working mainly on the following subjects: Dance - education, dance, memory and history and contemporary scenic dance. She coordinates the research and extension project Arriscado: a dialog between dance and acrobatics, the project Partilhas em Dança Educação, together with Prof. Dr. Lara Seidler, and the research project “Estudos em História da Dança no Brasil”, at the Department of Body Art - EEFD/UFRJ. Member of the research groups: ?Investigations into the Scenic Body? - UFRJ/CNPq; ?Body, Education and Interdisciplinary Poetics? -UFRJ/CNPq and ?Research Group on Memory and History of Dance?- UFG/CNPq.


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2022-07-15 — Updated on 2024-05-10


How to Cite

BUARQUE, Isabela. Histories and historiographies of Dance:: Problematizing teaching and curriculum proposal at the university. Brazilian Journal of Dance Research, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 1, p. 138–166, 2024. DOI: 10.58786/rbed.2022.v1.n1.52363. Disponível em: https://revistas.ufrj.br/index.php/rbed/article/view/52363. Acesso em: 27 jul. 2024.