Propositions between dance teaching and social movement theoriesTHEORIE
Dança/Educação, Processos de ensino-aprendizagem em Dança, Ensino da Dança e Movimentos Sociais.Abstract
This dancing/educational study aims to bring together Social Movement theories and dance teaching-learning processes. The assay brings recent reflections that we are developing in dialogue with autobiographical experiences, self-narratives that articulate experiences as a student and artist/educator. In this way, we organized the writing into two sequences of movements that were named as: (1) Historical Perspectives of the Methodologies for Teaching Dance and (2) Tensions of the teaching-learning processes in Dance with the Theories of Social Movements and Education. In this process, we observe the potentialization of the political dimension of Dance, that reaffirms the need to highlight their social commitment and revisit their practices critically
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- 2024-05-09 (3)
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- 2023-09-02 (1)
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