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Clues for dance compositions in education




dance, Education, clues, school.


Dance is an aesthetic practice, and, as such, it needs to be felt, much more than understood. By considering this premise and the danger of content and technical teaching approaches, which focus on what dance is, to the detriment of what this practice can become and change itself, this article aims to expose the inappropriateness of rules and universal principles of action, as the subject is dance in education. That is due to the affirmation of moving intentions and directions that only come together in action, within school educational relationships. Therefore, the question is: how to sensitize educators to these intentions and moving directions in the work involving school dance? Based on this question, some clues are presented, understanding them as ludic and groping guidelines that invite us to operate, always and every time, a methodological inversion for the teaching of dance in education.

Author Biographies

Flávio Soares Alves, Paulista State University

Doutor em Ciências pela Escola de Educação Física e Esporte da Universidade de São Paulo. Mestre em Artes pelo Instituto de Artes da UNICAMP. Professor assistente doutor do Departamento de Educação Física, Instituto de Biociências, Unesp, Campus Rio Claro. Docente credenciado no programa de pós graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias e no PROEF - Mestrado em Rede Nacional em Educação Física Escolar.

Potyra Curione Menezes, Paulista State University

Mestre em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias pelo Instituto de Biociências, Unesp, Campus Rio Claro.

Reisa Cristiane de Paula Venancio, Paulista State University

Mestre em Ciências da Motricidade Humana pelo Instituto de Biociências, Unesp, Campus Rio Claro. Bacharel em Gerontologia e Profissional de Educação Física.

Wesley Aleixo de Sande, Paulista State University

Licenciado em Filosofia pela PUC-Campinas e graduando em Educação Física na Unesp, Campus Rio Claro.


2023-09-02 — Updated on 2023-12-01


How to Cite

SOARES ALVES, Flávio; CURIONE MENEZES, Potyra; CRISTIANE DE PAULA VENANCIO, Reisa; ALEIXO DE SANDE, Wesley. Clues for dance compositions in education. Brazilian Journal of Dance Research, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 3, p. 183–206, 2023. DOI: 10.58786/rbed.2023.v1.n3.58737. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.