A conceptual journey from skin to hapticality
Toque; Pele; Hapticalidade; Eutonia; Arte; Saúde.Abstract
This article presents part of a master's research, which proposes a theoretical journey from the concepts of skin and touch to the concept of hapticity. In the work of authors Fred Moten and Stefano Harney, hapticality appears as a kind of “common feeling”, the ability to feel the other, to feel the other feeling. For this interdisciplinary research journey, the cartographic method was adopted and studies, practices and theoretical interlocutions were proposed in order to bring us closer to the concept of hapticality. Eutony, a somatic pedagogy that proposes studies of the skin and touch as a basis for caring for oneself and others, served as the fundamental ground for the journey. Especially in the pandemic context, in which social isolation was adopted as a measure to contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus, the analysis of the experience aims to generate reflections on the relationship between touch, saúde and politics.
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