Brazilian Journal of Music announces call for papers
Call for papers - Thematic Dossier
The UFRJ Graduate Program in Music (PPGM) and the Editorial Board of the Brazilian Journal of Music announce the call for papers for the thematic dossier Creative processes in collaborative musical performance - dynamics and perspectives of its v. 33, n. 2 (2020), coordinated by guest editors Pedro Bittencourt, full time professor at the Wind Department of UFRJ School of Music and leader of the Performance Today Research Group of PPGM-UFRJ, and Danilo Rossetti, full time professor of the UFMT Department of Arts.
The call for papers of this thematic dossier is addressed to researchers, faculty, and graduate students of music and related areas: musical performance, composition, sonology, contemporary music practices in performance, computer music, collaborative processes, musical improvisation.
Thematic dossier Creative processes in collaborative musical performance - dynamics and perspectives
The technological progresses in the recent digital era and the multiplicity of musical proposals created during the 20th Century, and at the beginning of the 21st Century, deeply transformed the composition, diffusion, circulation and listening of musical works. These transformations also occurred in the study and analysis of collaborative musical proposals, which continuously emerge.
Studies dedicated to musical performance took new directions inside the academic environment and have intensively grown in the last 30 years. The realization of musical works and analyzes by performers’ point of view began to be considered, in addition to the ideas and references provided by the composers, score and historical contexts. From interpretative aspects of studio and live recordings, new creative issues and collaborative musical practices were deeply studied by artist-researchers, requiring new methodologies. The thinking of musical performers (instrumentalists and composers), considering their own practice, emerged by their original analytic contributions, such as conceptual potentialities and practices of each creative process (mainly with active artists).
The easiness and speed of internet connections and the consequent decentralization also brought new complexities related to the development of a deep study on musical performance, either for excess of information or the need of new methods of organization, in live or remote formats. In this recent creative context, new boundaries are hardly delimited by researchers. Considering this scenario, their current challenge is enormous. This thematic dossier aims to contribute to the scope of publications on collaborative musical performance in Brazil, proposing the following preferred (but not exclusive) topics of investigation:
– Analysis of recent collaborative musical processes done by composers and instrumentalists
– New boundaries in roles of instrumentalist and composer in 21st Century
– Coauthorship and creative actions in collaborative musical performance
– Creative opportunities and perspectives on remote musical performance and collaborative practices
– Participative approaches in composition emphasizing the transmission of Brazilian repertoire
– Musical performance and technologies (live electronic/mixed music and instrumental music) and computer music design updates of live electronic works belonging to the Brazilian repertoire
– New approaches and dynamics of composition in the context of digital era
– Musical improvisation as a creative process for elaboration of new sound materials and musical forms
– New tools for the analysis of creative processes and methodologies for musical composition and performance
Contributions, in the form of complete articles in Portuguese, English or Spanish, must be original and unpublished (enlargement or extensions of previously published articles will not be accepted), and conform to the guidelines for authors and conditions for submission of the Brazilian Journal of Music, with submission through the journal’s OJS platform. For information on the editorial policy of the section, see the journal’s editorial policies. The deadline for submission of papers for this thematic dossier is October 19th 2020.
In addition to the contributions received under its semiannual thematic dossiers, the Brazilian Journal of Music receives and evaluates works submitted for publication in the continuous flow system. According to the journal’s focus and scope, submissions are accepted that contribute to its mission of fostering the production and dissemination of scientific and artistic knowledge in the field of music, in dialogue with related fields, preferably in the fields of historical musicology, ethnomusicology, music education and creative processes (composition, music analysis and performance practices).
Contributions, in the form of complete articles in Portuguese, English or Spanish, must be original and unpublished, and conform to the guidelines for authors and conditions for submission of the Brazilian Journal of Music, submitted through the journal’s OJS platform. For information on the editorial policy of the section, see the journal’s editorial policies.
Chief editors of the Brazilian Journal of Music