Binswanger and the carotid sinus


  • Eliasz Engelhardt


Mots-clés :



The ‘carotid sinus’ is an arterial dilatation placed usually at the beginning of the internal carotid artery. The medial wall of this dilatation appears modified, with a reduction of the media, and an increase of the adventitia, besides containing nervous terminations, forming thus a sensorial structure. This dilatation was possibly first observed by John Bell (1808), and clearly described and named by Cruveilhier (1834). However, many authors credited the initial finding to Burns (1811), followed by a number of researchers, as Luschka (1862), Manson (1866), Meyer (1876), Schäfer (1878), most with a view related to aneurysm formation, but some seeing the formation as a normal trait. Finally, Binswanger (1879) reaffirmed that the dilatation meant a normal feature of the region, based on his own observations, and on the opinion of some forerunners. Besides, he was the first to classify this dilatation regarding the variability of its localization. The thinning of this region was initially identified by Meyer (1876) and detailed by Binswanger (1879), at bare eye visual inspection and on microscopic examination, observing there an important reduction of the width of the tunica media. Despite Meyer’s effort, and mostly Binswanger’s, the microscopic findings are incipient, what can be explained by the limitations of the histological techniques at the time. However, there is no doubt that Binswanger and his forerunners provided important information for the upcoming research, comprising the structure, innervation, and function of this formation.






Nota Histórica