Using spatial justice to understand the impact of policy on teacher education in England


Teacher education is a spatial practice whose spatiality is often unrecognised in education policy. Through examining the ITT Market Review (a teacher education policy in England), this paper shows the impact of such a policy: not just on where teacher education occurs but also through other spatial effects, such as the locus of teacher education (narrowly conceived around individual classrooms and practices), the shifting of provision to urban centres, and the centralisation of power and control. Such spatial effects have the capacity to exacerbate the supply and retention of teachers in hard-to-staff places, and as such will have a dramatic impact on communities and schools in already disadvantaged areas. Such analysis is important to understand the crisis in teacher supply and attrition, particularly as most countries around the world report some form of teacher recruitment crisis, exemplified by failed recruitment targets and high levels of demand for new teachers.
Keywords: Teacher education; Geography; Spatial justice.
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