Narratives about caring for children with chronic illnesses and disabilities in times of COVID-19

Narratives about caring for children with disabilities during COVID-19




child care., disabled children., COVID-19.


Introduction: The Covid-19 pandemic impacted the lives of individuals, families and communities with regard to health, well-being and changes in daily life. Children with Complex Chronic Conditions, in which the disability is included, require continuity of health care. Objective: to bring narratives about the care process for families of children with Complex Chronic Conditions in times of pandemic; report changes that occurred in the daily lives of these families regarding the care of their children; identify support networks or strategies/resources used and how you evaluate them; present whether it was possible to continue the care during the period and raise the feelings that permeate this care process. Method: This is a qualitative study using narrative. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with two mothers. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and read by the authors, being analyzed considering the experiences reported and in dialogue with the research objectives. Results: The results and discussion were presented in four sections: Changes in daily life due to the pandemic; The (dis)continuity of care and rehabilitation: possible resources during the pandemic; Support networks - those who share and/or enable care during the pandemic; Feelings about caring for children during this pandemic period. Conclusion: It was possible to perceive the main changes in the care process regarding daily life, support networks and services as well as the conflicting feelings present in this pandemic context.

Author Biography

Olivia Souza Agostini, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Professora do Departamento de Terapia Ocupacional. Atua na área infantil e estuda/pesquisa os seguintes temas: avaliação, validação de instrumentos, desenvolvimento, deficiência, prematuridade, neonatologia, transtornos do desenvolvimento e de aprendizagem (ex. Transtorno do Desenvolvimento da Coordenação, TEA e outros), Cuidado centrado na família, Pesquisa com crianças e adolescentes como sujeitos, Contexto hospitalar e cuidados paliativos pediátricos.


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