Les ego-documents d'unne famille bourguignonne pendant la première guerre mondiale. Competénce scripturale entre conventions scripturales et expression individuelle.
This article explores the relation between the writing skill of literate people with limited experienceas text producers and the linguistic usage of epistolary formulae.While literate people ostensibly
know how to write, those whose everyday life rarely requires written communication may not
observe common writing conventions. This study analyzes the opening and closing paragraphs in
letters and postcards exchanged during World War I because these paragraphs are characterized by
a high recurrence of prefabricated, stereotypical formulae.These texts reflect different degrees of
* lena.sowada@rose.uni-heidelberg.de
Volume 11 Número 2 Dezembro 2015
Estrutura informacional, tecnologia e conhecimento
alphabetization and varying degrees of acquisition of writing skills.The ego-documents considered
in the article exhibit two types of tensions: on the one hand, they are shaped by the author's relative
command of written French that was already highly standardized at the time and, on the other hand,
they are shaped by discursive traditions. These discursive traditions result in the usage of certain
structures inherent in the epistolary genrewhich often differ markedly fromthe written expressions
that go beyond the formulaic.
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