Language and second order theory of mind: investigating mental states and social cognition


  • Thuany Figueiredo Unicamp



Theory of Mind, Social Cognition, Language Acquisition


This investigation addresses the relationship between language and second-order Theory of Mind. The hypothesis investigated is the centrality of language to a second-order Theory of Mind. The main objectives were: (i) to advance the understanding and the discussion about what really characterizes a second-order mental state; (ii) to analyze the interface between the two cognitive domains. Portuguese speakers during language acquisition from 4 to 7 years of age were tested. The results reported here are similar to those that have been obtained by other investigations with PB and other languages for second order level.




Author Biography

Thuany Figueiredo, Unicamp

Thuany Figueiredo é mestra em Linguística pela IEL - Unicamp, na área de Aquisição de Linguagem. É membro dos grupos de pesquisa Aquisição e Sintaxe: interface sintaxe-semântica e do ForMA - Núcleo de Estudos em Gramática Formal, Mudança e Aquisição. Seus temas de interesse são: linguagem e pensamento, aquisição de linguagem e cognição social.

