A constructional analysis of lexical formations based on coronavirus in contemporary Brazilian Portuguese





Morphology, Word Formation, Construction, Compounding.


In this paper, we analyze the technical formation coronavirus: the creation in its area of specialty (infectiology), the morphological model of this lexical formation and its employers in the nowadays. Observing the morphological and semantic aspects involved in the word formation processes used to create new words from coronavirus, we intend to map the strategies that the speaker uses to express a point of view with lexical constructions, representing, in the molds of Booij (2010), the schemes and subschemas used. In this endeavor, the database comes from the Internet, especially social networks: Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Author Biography

Carlos Alexandre Gonçalves, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

Prof. Titular do Departamento de Letras Vernáculas (UFRJ), Pesquisador CNPq (nível 1), coordenador do NEMP

