A linguistic-discursive analysis of the representations of immigrant students in a Portuguese as an Additional Language course





Imigrantes, Representações, Charge, Discurso.


The human displacements caused by economic, social and humanitarian crises have never been as intense as they are now. The understanding of this global scenario of globalization, economic, social and political transformations has gained a privileged space in the field of Social Sciences. Thus, this article aims to analyze the representations of Venezuelan immigrant students from a Portuguese as an Additional Language course about the immigration process. Data were collected in textual production classes on the cartoon genre, with the theme of immigration. As a theoretical support we use the Critical Discourse Analysis undertaken by Chouliaraki and Fairclough (1999) and the Critical Realism perspective developed by Bhaskar (1989). The data reveal that the representations produced by these students about immigration are related to social and discursive practices, often negative and pejorative, (re)produced by society on the subject.

Author Biography

Naira Gomes Lamarão, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)

Doutoranda em Estudos Linguísticos na UFMG. Possui Mestrado em Letras pela UFRR. É professora da Educação Básica no estado de Roraima. Atua como professora de Português como Língua de Acolhimento (PLAc). Tem experiência com formação de professores indígenas, tendo atuado de 2017 a 2019 no Instituto Insikiran de Formação de Professores Indígenas da UFRR. É membro do grupo de pesquisa Português Língua Adicional em Roraima. Principais áreas de interesse são: Linguística Aplicada, Análise Crítica do Discurso, Ensino-aprendizagem de PLAc em contexto de migração e refúgio e formação de professores de línguas.  

