Two “opposite” versions of Helena of Troy: her own and Menelau's




Helen at Troy, Helen, Menelaus, Odyssey


The aim of this article is to question and try to rethink – according to some attentive remarks of the scholiasts (retaken by some modern commentators) – the apparent opposition between the so called pro-Achaean version of Helen (who received well, in Troy, an Odysseus-spy disguised as a beggar) and the so called pro-Trojan version of Menelaus (who, from inside the wooden horse, listened to her imitating the voices of the Argives’ women) about the ambiguous behavior of Helen at Troy, as these two versions are exposed by wife and husband (already returned to Sparta) at book IV of the Odyssey.

Author Biography

Teodoro Rennó Assunção, Federal University of Minas Gerais

Associate Professor at the Faculty of Letters at UFMG - Member of the Graduate Program in Literary Studies at FALE-UFMG - Co-editor of the magazine Nuntius Antiquus


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