Górgias e Eurípides, em torno de Helena e do trágico





Gorgias, Euripides, Helen, sophistic, tragedy


From the observation of the Helen character in Gorgias (Encomium of Helen) and Euripides (Helen, The Trojan Women) we can return to the category of " tragic " and think of it in the frame of sophistry, the last figure of the Pre-Socratic thought. Gorgias confess to the reader that his encomium is a paígnion, a toy, a game. And so it retorts a widespread, false and unjust speech, condemning Helen as an adulteress. Also in Euripides we see an antilogic game. If in the The Trojan Women Menelaus and Hecuba don't allow Helen excuse her share of responsibility (noûs) by evoking her Fate, in Helen the eponymous protagonist doesn't even go to Troy -- Hera sends an image instead -- so she remains completely innocent of adultery.

Author Biography

Luís Felipe Bellintani Ribeiro, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)

Professor do Departamento de Filosofia da UFF, área: Filosofia Antiga


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