Stabilité et instabilité : une tentative d'articulation entre éthique et poétique chez Sénèque


  • Anida Hasic Università degli studi di Padova - Université Paris Sorbonne-Paris IV



Seneca, Poetics, Ethics, Conscience, Securitas


The contribution aims to show how the poetics of uncertainty and hesitation is, despite its paradoxical appearance, to be understood in continuity with the ethics of stability (securitas). One of the requirements of achieving happiness according to the ethics of stability in Seneca's philosophical prose is innoxia, the absence of harm and evil done to the others. When one commits crimes, the punishment is already in the act itself, in our conscience. And a conscience that knows its own crime will never have an inner stability. Therefore the evil acted and experienced by the protagonists of the senecan tragedies seems to determine a poetics of uncertainty, characterized by the presence of the doubt on a thematic and stylistic level. The poetic discourse of the tragedy appears therefore to be complementary to the ethical discourse of the philosophical prose and the tragedies are conceivable as a commentary of the philosophical work.

Author Biography

Anida Hasic, Università degli studi di Padova - Université Paris Sorbonne-Paris IV

Doutora pela Università degli studi di Padova - Université Paris Sorbonne-Paris IV em 2016


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