Maria Michela Sassi: A lógica do eoikós e suas transformações: Xenófanes, Parmênides, Platão




Presocratics, Xenophanes, Parmenides, Plato


Translation by Luiz Otávio de Figueiredo Mantovanelli of MARIA MICHELA SASSI's paper:

La Logique de l'Eoikos et ses transformations: Xénophane, Parménide, Platon

originaly published in Philosophie Antique, n.13 (2013), 13-35


The adjective eoikós appears in three crucial passages of Greek thought (Xenophanes, fr. B35; Parmenides, fr. B8, 60; Plato, Timaeus, 29b3-c3), in all of them expressing the notion of ressemblance to the truth that is considered to be fundamental to the scientific discourse. In fact, this discussion shows that the three uses of the term cannot be arranged along a continuous line, owing to the difficulty in discerning what notion of truth, in what respect, and to what degree of clarity, this discourse should be “like” from time to time. In the case of Parmenides, this aspect seems even to be of secondary importance, as in the term prevails another connotation, wich accompanies eoikos from Homer onwards, namely, that of “convenience” of a speech to a communicative context. The article seeks to enlighten the complicate course of the logic of similarity (and of the analogical procedures engaging with it) through such diverse ontological and epistemological frameworks as are those of Xenophanes, Parmenides and the Late Plato.

Author Biography

Luiz Otávio de Figueiredo Mantovaneli, OUSIA/UFRJ

Doutor em Filosofia UFRJ Pesquisador OUSIA


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