Apeonta, pareonta. On fragment B4 DK




Mots-clés :

Parmenides, being, doxa, eon, dokounta, apeonta, pareonta


The hermeneutical horizon of my work is provided by the extent of the discussion of the relationship between the doctrine of the truth and the doctrine of opinion as are dealt with in Parmenidean thought and work. Rejecting the vision of any separation or opposition between the two parts in which the Parmenidean poem has traditionally been divided, I argue in favour of its theoretical unity. In this way, the ontology lays the foundations for an innovative explanation of natural phenomena. After having highlighted how this unity is required by the general structure of Parmenides' thought, I show how the B4 DK fragment represents the place where Parmenides constructs the passage from ontology to the explanation of natural phenomena

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Walter Fratticci, Istituto Teologico Leoniano di Anagni

Professor of philosophy at Istituto Teologico Leoniano of Anagni. He has written mainly on Parmenides and the theme of the truth.


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