

Pandemic. Remote Teaching. Physical Education. Corporal culture and practice.


From the second semester of 2019 and during 2020 the whole world has been facing a pandemic that has modified, specially, the social relation in all its dimensions. The Coronavirus pandemic 2019 and social distancing measures have modified the production relations and brought modifications into human sociability. Into the pandemic circumstances and consequent political, economic and social crisis, this paper aims to analyse how the pandemic and the use of remote teaching in Physical Education neglect the principle of corporal practice development as a central component for materialisation of corporal culture. This is a result of a research developed from the dialectical and historical materialism approach and it had been carried out by documental and bibliographic procedures. As a conclusion stands that remote teaching, regardless of curricula subject, it have produced intensification and precariousness of teacher work, as, remote teaching, the infrastructure is insufficient or non-existent; the absence of training and experience with digital platforms and its rapid absorption in the teacher’s work impairs the educational process, causing overload to people involved into the process, mainly in the Physical Education discipline.

Author Biographies

Aline Silva Andrade Nunes, Instituto Federal do Maranhão - IFMA

Professora de Educação Física do IFMA. Mestre em Educação pela UFMA e doutoranda em Educação Física pela UnB

Elen de Fátima Lago Barros Costa, Instituto Federal do Maranhão - IFMA

Professora Magistério Superior do Instituto Federal do IFMA. Professora do PROFEPT/IFMA. Doutora em Educação pela UFSCAR

Lícia Cristina Araújo da Hora, Instituto Federal do Maranhão - IFMA

Professora da área de Educação do IFMA. Mestre em Educação pela UFF


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