Fiama, Camonian
Fiama Hasse Pais Brandão, Luís de Camões, time, image, metamorphosis.Abstract
Fiama Hasse Pais Brandão is a poet of admirable erudition. This allows her to establish fruitful and astonishing dialogues with a large number of poets and other artists. Luís de Camões is a privileged Fiama’s interlocutor. The dialogue between the poetess and one of her most beloved poets, whom she has even studied as a critic, helps Fiama to investigate some central problems in her poetry, such as love, time, past and images. This article, from reading some poems, especially "A Camões" and "O gnomo", both from the book Novas visões do passado (1975), intends to illuminate, beyond the mere intertextuality, the relation between Fiama and Camões, without forgetting other important presences for the poetess, such as Fernando Pessoa. One of the central topics for this study will be the metamorphosis, ideia read in Camões and Fiama with Ovid’s orientation.
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