Future reference in portuguese: the case for a volitive periphrasis
Volitive verbs, Futurity, Periphrastic future, Cognitive-Functional Linguistics, Construction GrammarAbstract
The aim of this paper is to investigate the occurrences of [querer + verb in infinitive] in Portuguese and its implications in comparison to [ir + verb in infinitive], two constructions that express futurity. Based on the notion exposed by Bybee and Pagliuca (1987) that the concept of desire is one of the most common lexical sources of future markers, we propose that there is an association between volition and futurity made by speakers of Portuguese. The study draws on theoretical underpinnings of Usage Based-Linguistics and Construction Grammar to explore uses of [querer + verb in the infinitive] by Portuguese speakers as a construction that indicates future reference. We argue that this construction licenses multiple uses that can be activated by the speaker during the communicative situation. This paper contributes to research on verbal periphrasis and future reference from a Construction Grammar point of view.
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