Internationalization of languages and culture of indigenous peoples of the arctic in the global internet


  • Anatoly Zhozhikov M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University
  • Borisova Isabella Zakharovna Yakutsk State North-Eastern Federal University


Mots-clés :

Globalization, Information and communication technologies, Multicultural environment, Indigenous peoples.


As globalization expands, the phenomenon of languages disappearance is becoming more critical. In the context of the information society development, the clash of globalization and national identity is acute. Information and communication technologies play an extremely important role in the balance of power between competing languages, and here the dominant languages have advantages to the detriment of others. To eliminate these trends, it is necessary to take urgent measures to support minority languages that are on the verge of extinction. This paper discusses ways to solve the problem and represent the languages and cultures of the indigenous peoples of the North and the Arctic on the global Internet. The article is devoted to the internationalization of the languages and cultures of the indigenous people of the North and the Arctic through the global Internet. The purpose of the study is the creation and use of the multilingual Internet portal, which should integrate the languages and cultures of all indigenous peoples of the North and the Arctic in the global information space to the new multicultural communication of XXI century. For the implementation of the project, an internationalization model was used based on the terms “internationalization” and “localization” and their concepts adopted in computer science. The project “Digitalization of the Linguistic and Cultural Heritage of Indigenous Peoples of the Arctic” will be submitted to the Arctic Council for implementation in 2020-2023. Multilingual portal should become a part of the world multicultural environment and organically integrate the languages and culture of the indigenous peoples of the North and the Arctic into the global information space so that they can fully represent their people, native language and culture in this multicultural environment of humankind. Localization of the project will be implemented by the creation of regional Internet resources on indigenous peoples, living in these territories and countries, subsequently integrated on a unified multilingual online portal The implementation of the project will be focused on promoting the achievement of the sustainable development goals of the indigenous peoples of the Arctic in the context of globalization.

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Anatoly Zhozhikov, M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University

UNESCO Chair “Social and Human Adaptation of the Arctic Regions to Climate Changeand Globalization”

Borisova Isabella Zakharovna, Yakutsk State North-Eastern Federal University

Research Associate Professor

ACADEMIC DIRECTOR, EFL TUTOR of General French courses, Sakha-Canadian School, Yakutsk. 1994 – up to the present* Professor of the Department of the French philology of Yakutsk State North-Eastern Federal University,1994 - up to the present*HEAD, Department of the French Language -July 2004 – 2009*Head of the Resource Centre YSU in the field of the French language, Coordinator «CAMPUSFRANCE»- 2004 - up to the present


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Dossiê de Língua/Language Dossier