Habitats do eu reminiscente
A presente ilustração dialoga com a novela solarpunk de Becky Chambers intitulada "A Prayer for the Crown-Shy", o segundo título de uma série de dois livros. Nesse sentido, esta arte se relaciona em específico com a passagem abaixo, que dialoga profundamente com a temática abordada nesta edição, isto é: Lugares que nos habitam.
It was always a strange thing, coming home. Coming home meant that you had, at one point, left it and, in doing so, irreversibly changed. How odd, then, to be able to return to a place that would always be anchored in your notion of the past. How could this place still be there, if the you that once lived there no longer existed? Yet at the same time, in complete contradiction, seeing that said place
had changed in your absence was nothing if not surreal. (Becky Chambers, A Prayer for the Crown- Shy)
Técnica: Ilustração Digital
Ano: 2024
Ce travail est disponible sous licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d’Utilisation Commerciale 4.0 International.
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