About the Journal

Focus and Scope

LaborHistórico is an online journal, which publishes three issues a year, sponsored by the Postgraduate Program in Vernacular Letters (PPGLEV) and the Postgraduate Program in Neo-Latin Languages and Literatures (PPGLEN) at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Its main focus is to publish original researches that rely on written sources in which the historian’s work stands out before their work material. Within this theme, contributions from different areas of knowledge are welcome, such as Philology (Textual Critics), Historical Linguistics, and History.

In addition to the publication of articles, eventually grouped into thematic dossiers, the structure of the journal provides sections dedicated to reviews, translations of classic texts and publication of primary sources.

The journal accepts contributions in Portuguese, Galician, Spanish, Italian, French or English.

Peer Review Process

LaborHistórico has the policy of blind peer review for the submitted papers; the submitted translations, however, will be reviewed solely by the Journal Editorial Committee. The criteria considered in the evaluation process are in accordance with the Journal policy and should be used as a guidance to prepare a consistent and constructive review.

LaborHistórico has the following policy for the submitted papers:

1. Every single submission will be analyzed by the chief editor of the volume, who will check authorship originality (such as problems regarding plagiarism, or appropriation), as well as the subject to the theme of the journal. The editorial committee will only accept papers with a historical or diachronic approach to the linguistic studied.

2. The chief editor will send the submitted paper to two different evaluators, regarding their allegedly competence and qualification in the field and their research area. The evaluation process obeys the blind peer review; therefore, the chief editor will make sure that the two evaluators neither work in the same institution nor work in the same institution where the author of the submitted paper works. The evaluators will express themselves against or in favor of the publication of the paper.

3. If the submitted paper receives two indications for publication, the paper will be accepted and will be sent to the author in order to fix regular corrections suggested by the evaluators.

4. If the submitted paper receives a positive and a negative indication, the paper will be sent to a third evaluator. In the event of a positive evaluation, the paper will be published; otherwise, it will be rejected.

5. All the reviews given by the evaluators will be sent to the author of the submitted paper, either if the paper is indicated to publication or not.

6. Regarding the blind-peer review policy, the identity of the evaluators under no circumstance will be revealed to the submitted papers's authors.

Publication Frequency

Until 2019, LaborHistórico publications were six-monthly, though special issues could be published outside this periodicity.

From 2020 on, the journal publications are four-monthly, i.e., it has three published issues per year, comprising the January-April, May-August, and September-December intervals. Moreover, special issues can still be published outside this periodicity.

Open Access Policy

LaborHistórico has an open access policy, which means that all its contents are available to the academic community, following the principle that providing free access to scientific knowledge to the public promotes wider democratization of the knowledge.

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

The journal LaborHistórico follows the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and the Committee of Publications Ethics (COPE).

CNPq scientific integrity and ethics guidelines: http://cnpq.br/diretrizes

Code of conduct and best practice guidelines for journal editors: https://publicationethics.org/files/Code_of_conduct_for_journal_editors_1.pdf


It is important that articles submitted for review and possible publication in LaborHistórico be original and unpublished, nationally or internationally, nor under evaluation in any other journal.