Translating João Paulo Borges Coelho (or not). Translation and reception of his fictional work outside the Portuguese-language sphere




Translation Studies, Reception, Rewriting, Mozambican literature, African Literatures in Portuguese.


This article aim to define the state of the art of João Paulo Borges Coelho's literary translations published to date (which, at this moment, are just three, and the three of them in Italian language), positioning JPBC's fictional work in the field of literary reception critical studies of African Literature inside and outside the Portuguese-Speaking world. It proceeds with a brief analysis of this field of study, making an attempt to put together some instances coming from the Translation Studies field into the general analysis of literary reception and circulation, so that this will encompass also literary translations to other languages, their paratexts and contexts and their reception in the target literary systems. It proceeds then with a brief analysis of JPBC's literary translations published to date, trying to consider the translators and publisher's agenda, the texts, their paratexts and their context, trying to identify a possible working model for future research works of this type.


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