Curriculum as a place of listen:
affection, performativity and emancipation of dance histories
Currículo, Lugar de escuta, histórias da dança, ação afirmativa, política de cotas.Abstract
The present article is motivated by tensions that I have observed and experienced in Brazilian Higher Education context, since such affirmative actions, including quota policies, have been adopted in the country for almost 20 years (at an isolated and a State level at first, but eventually became Law 12.711 in 2012); without including, however, a more radical and systematic reformulation of the “white life infrastructure” (Mombaça, 2021, p. 40), from where educational institutions get organized in Brazil, including the Higher Education system itself. I have proposed attempts to deal with this problem through an intersectional approach, starting from the recognition of positionality relations between places of privilege and historically invisible and silenced places. From this experience, I have sought to develop, in the latest years, what could correspond, in curriculum practice, to what I am trying to call curriculum as a place of listen(Mombaça, 2021).
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- 2022-07-15 (1)
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